
the xmas big chill party

Well it is here again, the big chill xmas party…many have gone by and this is another one! I made my famous cold rolls with duck and veggies….they go very fast! I look forward to seeing my friends of 45 yrs or so and we still all look the same! I am the only one who doesn’t die her hair! ha! Two and a half more days and school is finished! Thirteen days of relaxation! Me and the Kindle stretched out on the sofa! Anyone reading this blog have a good holiday and Happy New Year! 2012 coming around the corner…let us see what it brings! R

Xmas is almost here! I am writing now one year later from one of my last blogs. Four more days and I get to chill out! Going to the beaches for xmas day dinner and then off to the farm. I might even throw in a massage when I come back and do a half day at the Elmwood Spa! Life is good…can’t complain! Seriously! I feel my Kindle will take over my life with all the books I have downloaded and will be reading my brains out at the farm! It’s so dark up there I really love it and the quiet…so that is it for now…happy New Year and all that Jazz 2012 here I come!

Winter is Here!

Another birthday, another winter, and twelve days of not having to work coming up soon! I will be so looking foward to that and maybe even a trip to a spa if that comes true well life will be even sweeter. I have no complaints and look forward to cocooning in my sweet little condo in the trees! I have great books to read and great furniture and floors to enjoy as I sit and watch either the rain or the snow coming down. No singing this month and I am so happy! Just good weekends with Ma & Pa or friends to hang with…life is good cannot complain. Will look forward to the Dec. 22nd when we are finish here at school and I can read all my great books in bed. Life is good! Onward and upward through Dec! Here I go!

Well it is an end of another milestone! I am not even going to say the number, because years from now when I am reading this in the old folks home only I will know the number! Giving myself my own birthday party…about forty people coming, and lots of Karoke with Foofer! To all my young friends in their forty’s and 50’s you will all get there one day, that horrible number that will just keep climbing. I have to say I do not feel that number, and in my head I am  30! for sure! Just like heener, who’s age keeps going backwards on the west coast! To all my dear friends who have fed me over the months and years this party is for all of you! Happy birthday to me! since I am paying for everything!

I shall have a great birthday on Saturday! Carry on old girl!

Thanksgiving This!

Well here it is another Thanksgiving long weekend and I can’t wait to have three glorious days to myself. Tonight a little bit of Big Daddy’s food on King street and then Saturday all to myself and Sunday Turkey! Weather sucks so far, rain, and kinda cold. Oh yeah I have to sing at MCC this weekend, hopefully I can make it there. Lots of fun singing with those sopranos, up in the sky notes. I  have a great picture I will need to upload of FP. I can’t wait to put it into my blog for me to look at all the time. This is short and sweet because I am very tired. So anyone who is reading this  have a great Turkey weekend. Bring on the bird!

Birthday Celebrations

Today we celebrated my birthday….it was a privilege to be with my BFF.  Starting off the morning on the go train to the “shwa” and picked up by my BFF, then off to shopping and later on wine, movie, dinner and sparklers!!!  Or as I like to call them Sparkles!!!

For all of those that wanted to be with me, thank you so much, but it is important that I made it just to this birthday.  Next year will be the big one.  I will celebrate with all of you.

Cheers to all the Libras…enjoy the photos.




Ricky toasts herself

Ricky toasts herself



Hot September!

Indian Summer, that is what we call this September in Toronto 09! I think I have been saved by the sweat Gods, I don’t have to venture on a subway or bus with the public…in warm heat like this it could be alarming! A six minute walk all by myself to my sweet little condo from work’s door to  my door! How pleasant is that. Although I look forward to the fall days, I can’t wait to wear my new Joe Fresh Fall coat…it is so beautiful and cool looking.  Just a quick note, I sang at Ms. Leah’s tenth anniversary at MCC Church last Sunday and it was wonderful. About thirty-five great voices singing their little hearts away and sounding just great. Good on Ms. Leah, she deserved it and is probably one of the greats around town playing that piano. I have joined two choirs, on on Monday night, a community choir just three blocks away from me and of course the MCC church choir. So I really am getting my soprano voice back, believe or not. Little do they know who I use to be! ha!

Three weeks into the school season and things seem to have quieted down a bit. Still seeing many students pass through the doors always needing to talk about their courses etc., but I am their to help them and service all their professors too. I truly look foward to my weekends. This is going to be a busy year where I work and I hope to get through it all. Let’s just hope the weather stays warm a little longer, although not this warm and our winter is not too harsh. I look foward to a new year!

My first September here at Ryerson! I can’t believe the amount of noise that these 1st year students have made since they have arrived here on Monday of this month. In some ways it is exciting, but when you are trying to walk the quad it is very hard to get around the little darlings as they walk by you in painted purple faces, every t-shirt colour under the sun and funny hats to complete their outfits! I was never part of that life. I was working and singing my way through Toronto and Ontario and the USA. If they only knew that a “do you know who I use to be” is sitting at their administration office they would all fall to their knees! Well bend a little anyway! On another note, I went to the cottage in Haliburton to visit the Heenman and took along Ms. A with me. I wanted her to see where I have spent my one week in August for the past twenty-five years! She loved it and for me it was closure with Haliburton and the healing lake that I so very much love swimming in. It was rainy and cold and and we got glimpses of blue sky once in a while. We still managed to bbq and enjoy a small sunset. My sista Ms. A drove me through great little roads to get back to her home. We even found a road with houses that had stone walls around their property and it felt like we were in an English farm area! Next time I am up there I will take my camera and capture that beautiful wall of stone. The next couple of weeks probably will be quite hectic around the school, but I am looking forward to the calm come October. I love the Fall and I am already for it with a new coat from Joe Fresh! I will be adding a few pictures soon, so I can look back and remember what the lake and the cottage felt like!

Ahh Canada, my true north strong and free!

This is a view from Sunset Hill at Heenacres

This is a view from Sunset Hill at Heenacres

From Sunset Hill at Heenacres

From Sunset Hill at Heenacres

My favourite Hammock at Heenacres

My favourite Hammock at Heenacres

Heenman's Cottage at Haliburton

Heenman's Cottage at Haliburton

My favourite room at Heenacres

My favourite room at Heenacres

My Favourite spot to read

My Favourite spot to read

Another view at Heenacres

Another view at Heenacres

Ahh, the best Sunset at Heenacres

Ahh, the best Sunset at Heenacres

Where is Summer

It has been a long time since I have written anything in my little blog here! Well, lots of things have happened! I went to see “The Zombies” at the Mod Club last week and it was incrediable. To be standing so close to my favourite group! They sang all the songs I love. Thanks to Anne Marie and her birthday party at a great place on College street.

I really can’t say when I will be singing again because of the high drama being played out at Statlers Bar. I can’t seem to get a commitment from the owner and have decided to just let it ride for a while. It is too bad because a lot of people have been asking me when I will be singing again and I just can’t give them an anwer! Oh well, bad for him good for me! I have been singing every week with my Pal Mr. B. and getting a new song list together, lots of old songs out there that I think will be a hoot to do. As they say the beat goes on!

I am counting the days till I go to Heenacres and have already packed some stuff to take up with me! I hope Lake Haliburton warms up and we get some nice weather. was told by the gatekeeper there that bears have been spotted! I will be sitting down at the water pretty well the whole day, in fact I have 8 books to get through which I am really looking forward to. So this should be a great time to chill before the students get back to school and I am stuck at the desk with all their problems! I look forward to helping the little kiddies out.

Tonight off to an Ethiopian restaurant tonight with the GB gang. It is at Bloor and Ossington and I already have picked from the pictures on the website of I want to eat. Waiting for Garou the little Flaxen Brit to arrive here at the CT. This is all I have to report and look forward to a nice quiet weekend with my pal Al from the Shwa.

Where is Summer!!

Oh my, the Hollywood gang and Michael Jackson have disappeared! In one week we have lost favourite Stars and one big honking Icon! What a week! Of course as soon as you hear about these people, my food intake because smaller, I start to exercise and my mortality starts to kick in, or should I say out! The person I will miss the most as I am sure other people have voiced or showed the feelings is Michael Jackson. I have watched his Video over and over of his movie Ghosts! The one he wrote with Stephen King. I don’t care how screwed up he was or what his preferences were, just watching him dance and sing was all I needed to admire him as an artist. I will go out and buy his cd’s when they re-issue them again…and I still love Thriller almost my favourite! I have even started to go past the CNN garbage spewed out about him everyday, it is getting very tiresome. So that is how I feel about that. Prying into people’s lives after a while still can become tiresome, but being the curious human beings we are, we still want to hear bout all the details, good or bad. I say RIP Michael and now you don’t have to have anybody bothering you anymore, you can sleep and sleep and sleep etc., I think that is what he really wanted to do…it maybe was time for him to exit stage left or right! Too bad it had to be done when he still had so much to give. Somewhere there is a vault with songs we have not have not heard yet….I look so forward to that moment.  I dare not sing any of his songs, only he could sing them and believe me, no singer will or could come close to that voice of his! I will never do the Moon Walk , only the King of Pop could do that! Rock on Michael J. Nobody will ever replace him!