
Archive for March, 2009

What a wonderful weekend I had! Actually it started on Friday night. No plans, just everything done off the cuff! Saturday morning, started off down Yonge Street and went to shop at “Walking on a Cloud” shoe store. I tried on every brand from Echo, Mephisto, and Clarks and it goes on and on…I ended up with a pair of Clarks for my vacation to ITALY!!!!! which is only 8wks away! (I use a lot of exclamation marks, cause that is just how I am!) From there headed over to the St. Lawrence Market and shopped with the throngs, managed to buy some food and headed up Church Street. I stopped at a new Salon for pedicures and nails. Brand new called “Pinkys Salon”. The ladies were lovely there and Anna, who did my feet was just wonderful. I shall be returnig very soon. She even massaged my shoulders while my little toes were drying! Then a quick stop at the Metro for some bits and pieces for my two pals that I am travelling with, that were going to be coming over to talk about ITALY!!!!!

Saturday night I lite my candles and it was the best evening just relaxing and doing the Earth Hour thing! I listened to the concert from Nathan Philip Square and my candles glowed in the dark and I just zoned out for a hour. Very Very pleasant. Also had a loverly early dinner with M and L, chinese food at Spadina Gardens. Watch out for L. on the streets with her new scooter! Yes I am jealous! I will be inserting pictures of this great weekend very shortly. One of the best weekends I have had in a long time!

Martha & Jan Italy gals

Martha & Jan Italy gals

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Boomer Comment

I watched a show this morning that interviewed a writer named “Harry Dent“. He has written about our new Depression that is now in our mists. Very scary, he is the first person who has spelled it out so clearly, I now can understand what this whole moment in time about money and the economy is about! We, the Boomers, have stopped spending and now coming into our twlight years are saving our money to retire. We the Boomers, would have spent our money in our twenties and thirty’s and then saved to buy our houses or condos or whatever you were preparing to live in. I am going to get his book this weekend at Indigo, and hopefully that will put everything in perspective. It is very scary to think that the world will not stop reeling from this till about, let say,  five to ten years down the road. As the guy in the suit on TV says, save your money,  he is not kidding! Hold on to your hats boys and girls it is going to be a bumpy ride.

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Unforgettable Poster

I think this is the best poster ever made of me performing at Statlers Bar. A shout out to Joseph who put it together.

Read and weep Divas of the world, and please FP be kind dear if you are going to coment on it! I really, really like it!

I hate Valentine"s

I hate Valentine"s

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Went to visit Mom & Dad on Sunday. Lunch at the Pickle Barrel. Funny how I noticed that both of their attention span has become very limited. I talked to them about my trip to Italy and they could only listen for a short time about me telling them about what and where I was going in Italy. As we say “we mock the things we are to be”. Oh well I should consider my self very lucky that they are in great shape for 84 year olds! They are holding out pretty well, through aches and pains etc at that age. I took a picture of my Ma in at their condo. One hour up their and one hour back home. Still worth the trip so my dad doesn’t have to drive! Very Scarey! Had a great day after that, taxes, music and reading in my very little cute cozy condo.

Picture of the wall hanging I sent my Parents when I was living in Provincetown, Mass. It was for their Anniversary. Nice huh!

Ma at the Condo

Ma at the Condo

Anniversary Present

Anniversary Present

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Travel Woes

I have been scouting out all the travel info on how to travel in Europe. I am a washroom freak! When I was in Europe last year in Amsterdam, I had no problems finding wonderful washrooms along the way while tootiling around the city. Lovely washrooms at the Van Gogh Museum and in the shopping area I visited everyday. I am hoping that Italy will have nice washrooms too! I remember I had to pay a lady in Paris a euro to enter one by the Louvre! So if anybody knows of great loos that I can visit in Rome or Tuscany let me know!

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I See Dead People!

OMG! I finally have something in common with the FP! We both read the OBITS! Who knew! Okay, it might sound a bit morbid, but I realized in my 20’s, 30’s and 40’s I would never have done that. Now in my Boomer years, well it is just automatic. I can’t explain it, but I read the Obits with relish, not in a mean way, I am just curious to see who has left this earth. Being a Boomer, you realize you are half way through your life and reading the Obits makes you want to get out there and just touch, see, and smell everything before you kick, if you know what I mean! I have started sort of to prepare my “Bucket List”.  There are about ten things on my list that I need to do, which I will discuss at another time. But the excitment of knowing that FP and I now can talk about who kicked the bucket is very exciting.

An exceptable time was had by all last night at the Churchmouse Firkin last night. Lovely to sit and chat with my two favourite guys! The great Garou and I have now moved downtown to a favourite spot to Blog our way into oblivion! I love it!

Shout out to the FP, your picture is just darling! You truly are the LP! even if it has been translated into Hinglish once!

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Italian Green!

We were suppose to go to the Poor House for St. Patty’s day for chicken wings and beer, but we couldn’t get in. Packed to the rafters, so we decided to go for Italian. The gals and I tucked in to some great Italian food on St. Clair Avenue.  I totally went overboard and ate enough to kill an army! I swear, that is it for moi, no more heavy duty food, it is salads and tuna all the way now.

I was suppose to go swimming with RC but just couldn’t get it together, must have been the Alfredo Sauce that kept me down. But I did feel good this morning. Sometimes I just wake up feeling great, and other days crummy! Ah, the joys of getting older! Now if I could just lop off 50lbs of what I ate last night it would be great! So again I get on the diet horse and try and be a good girl!

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I forgot to wear green OMG! Weird! Should I or shouldn’t I go drinking at the Poor House tonight? Green beer and chicken wings! So little time, so many chicken wings! I have to do so many things around my place to get myself in gear for that fab trip to Italy! I am getting more and more anxious for that month to come.

A shout out to my niece and nephew who were on their way to Florida on Friday! Heard you had a flat tire in Jacksonville Fla! OMG! Must of made your mother happy! I hope you have a great time on your cruise!

Happy Green Day or whatever, may a little green man make you happy!

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Best Day Yet

I want to thank Garou, my fab Teacher Blogger for showing me how to do make my Blog beautiful. It was very acceptable! At the end I was so excited to be able to load a picture onto my Blog. I can’t wait to look back when I am rocking away in my chair in the Home, and see all the great things I did with my Pals!

To be a Boomer and still fit into this XXXXGeneration is so Cool! Look out you little XXXXGeneration kids, Momma Ricky is on her way!

Shout to FP for giving me my points and hours with your Husband! Love You! Merde!

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Konichiwa Picture

This is a shout out to the GB gang, a great picture of us all, except me, for me to remember all by! I will treasure this picture when I am sitting in the Old Folks home. Ah, the GB gang I love you all! Great food at the Konichiwa Restaurant.

Cathie, Gary, James and Melissa

Cathie, Gary, James and Melissa

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