
Archive for April, 2009

It’s Getting Closer!

My trip to Italy is coming up quite quickly…I am so excited IĀ cannot wait! I have been so busy at work I haven’t had a chance to even get close to Adam & Eve Cafe to upload my fab pictures from two weekends ago. I will try and do that this Sunday. I went on Youtube and found a wonderful travel log of where I will be staying in Tuscany. It is so beautiful I almost starting crying. This Wednesday is my Mother’s birthday and I will take her and my Father out for lunch. I was told by my Father to bring cash! So not to worry I will be getting it together in the next couple of weeks getting ready for my fab trip to Italy and loading my pictures of my great weekend in the Shwa!

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Fly by Days

OMG! the days are going so quickly, I thinkĀ  soon I will be able to click my heels and be at the airport going to ITALY! YAY! Tonight I will get my luggae out..it means I am getting ready to pack, even though I still have the end of this month and the till the end of May to get ready. It just gets me excited to see my luggage out! I had an acceptable time with the Garou and the FP last night at the Hair of the Dog and laughed and tee heed a lot! FP admitted I have a good ear for haccents! Of course I do FP! I use to do commercials for the Radio and I had to do voice overs for the ads. I was really good at it. That is what I use to do for a living too, just in case you were wondering FP. I look forward to this weekend to spend it with my best Pal AT in the Shwa! We are going on the Thelma & Louise ride through the country. Music blaring the roof top open and look out Ontario here we come! The weather is starting to turn, and the sun has made it’s way back to city, finally. I look foward to the warm sun on my face, slathered with SPF coverage and a hat. I have to be very careful this summer, me face has to be protected! So if anybody is looking for me this weekend look for the gal with the big sunglasses and hat, of course, singing at the top of her lungs welcoming the warm weather!

Shouts out to our poor Garou who is at home today with a sore tummy!!!

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Good Friday Ahhh!

How wonderful it was to have a long weekend. Started out at Tim Horton’s on Bay St. and then off to Cherry Beach to mingle with the birds and dogs and the brisk breeze that is still blowing that cold north wind. I was going to take pictures that day and I did take one which I will post. I am now able to post my pictures without any help! Very exciting! That was my Friday, and now it is Saturday and here I am sitting between two lovely men, and they tell me I must be in Heaven! Tonight is dinner with Richard another one of my favourite guys. Right now I am at the Adam and Eve Chocolatier having a lovely day.

Note: I have used up my credits now as per FP, oh well too bad so sad, he and the Garou will miss me for May! FP, I guess you will just have to go play the Bingo all alone!

Geeky Good Saturday

Geeky Good Saturday

Good Friday Picture

Good Friday Picture

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Passover Blues

It has been two days of eating and being with family. I think I have had enough. Sometimes you just have to push yourself to spend the few hours with family you don’t even talk to except once a year. I think my days of this are getting thinner and thinner. I can only take it for so long. The kids are at that age where they just don’t have very much to say to you. They would rather be upstairs in the confines of their room and connecting with their eight hundred friends on Facebook! My parents are in their own world and my sibling and I ignore each other. Ah the family dynamics. I would rather be in my cozy little condo enjoy myself with my books and hd t.v.! I know I have a limited time to spend with my Mom and Dad and I have to see them as much as I can. Time marches on, and I know these times with them are precious. My Dad is vibrant, my Mom somewhere out there maybe on another planet. It is the long weekend of Easter and Passover and I am ready to lay down and just sleep and walk and read and just be with me.

Happy easter and Passover to everyone and to everyone a goodnight.!

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Sunday Wakeup Call

Well, here I am sitting at the Crossiant Tree, working on the free internet terminal! I am so excited, I remember that it was open early and as I was walking this morning across Bloor Street, it popped up right before me as I headed down Church Street! I had such a good Saturday I wanted to blog it and remember that life is so sweet! I had breakfast with the RC group. A quick brunch at Cranberries and then off to the other side of the world, Etobicoke, (I am sure I spelled it wrong, cause I never go there unless I was singing with Robbie Lane at the “Hollywood BRose my Palar”!) where I roamed around in a huuuuge Walmart and Zellers. I loved shopping for cheap stuff and I did find what I was looking for. Then low and behold, I received a call on my cell from the great Garou! Meet me at our Adam & Eve Cafe! I was so elated I could have cried, well not really, but you know, I was excited! I got home, quickly grabbed my little Asus EE PC and camera and off I galloped! What a wonderful afternoon, we blogged and I got more experience with my camera loading pictures on my blog and the Garou there to help me out. I think I have finally mastered the picture inserting! Another great weekend and yet there is more to come. My pal the actress Rose is coming in for a few days. We are going off this afternoon for a quick shop at the “Wholefoods” store in Yorkville. We love rRose my Paloaming the expensive aisles and know that we can’t really afford the prices, but it is fun to pretend. I had so much energy this morning, I thought I better take a walk before I started calling people and waking them up to cause trouble. Sometimes I am just like that! Although, I know now to walk away from the phone when I start thinking like that, so that is why I took the walk this morning. It is a picture perfect day, the sunshine and the clear air, a bit cold, but ahh that fresh morning air.

Rose my Pal

Rose my Pal

Nelly Welly, and shouts out to my FP, for giving me my Ricky Credits yesterday with the Garou! You are special, well, not that special, but kinda of Bingo Special! (-:

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Lunch Pals

There is a time in your life when you make some really good choices. I have two pals, met over the past year and a half who have become good buddies! We meet for lunch maybe every other week, and I must say, I really do enjoy their company. I have a really good time in that short little hour discussing life and it’s meaning! Mary K. is so much fun and of course the Garou! He is a Pip! (Please explain that to FP, he probably thinks it is a bingo saying!) Life is good, and my lunch pals even make life better. My hat off to both of them for making the effort to be with me in that one hour! It puts me in the best mood for the rest of the day! I love you guys!

Mary & Garou my Pals!

Mary & Garou my Pals!

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Pigeon Woes

PigeonsCould this really be happening, me standing on the corner at seven a.m. and telling my pet peeve stop feeding those goddam birds! Oh please, let it stop! She, my pet peeve, said stop eating and then she will stop feeding the birds. Walk away Ricky, walk away! What is it that everytime I see her, throwing bread crumbs all over my street, that I actually can feel my blood pressure rise, really, I mean I can feel my whole body turn into this different kind of human being. Should I let her be, let myself walk through mounds of bird excrement and birds flying at me, or should I turn into the person that becomes the Hulk and turn green and pound out my message! Whew! got that off my chest. I actually looked up the by-laws for Pigeons and there isn’t a darn thing I can do. Except! get a can of WD40 and spray it where she feeds them by my driveway and apparently the birds hate the smell of the oil! I can try, but I probably will be put away for spraying substance on the sidewalk and then who will have the last laugh! Oh my, what a problem!

Looking forward to a great weekend, I am sure ready for it. Very busy at school here, and many things to manage. But I am starting a countdown of my trip less than 8wks to go! Also looking forward for my best pal from the west coast to arrive and bring sundshine and warmth with him.

Also a shouts out to my FP, always a pleasure talking to you on the phone. My haccent is good aye!

May the Pigeon Gods be with me!!!!! Look up, Look way up!!!!!!!!

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