
Archive for May, 2009

Ciao Rome!

Hello Everyone!

Well, what a day, shopping all day long and a wonderful Rome Night Walk! It was fab! We saw the most wonderous things, glad I took that walk, even though I am dead on my feet tonight. We start packing for Tuscany tommorow and off we go! Bought some great stuff and if your really nice to me Garou I might bring you back a piece of the Forum, a little rock to put on your little tiny desk! I knew you would miss me terribly! I am very tired so again this is a short blog! Will blog when we settle down in Tuscany. Can’t wait to get there! Should be a rockin ride with these gals! They can really shop! Okay everyone keep your eyes on this blog, should be an interesting one after we get to the Villa, if we ever get there!

Ciao Bella’s and you to Garou!

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Hello All,

This is going to be a short blog! I am so tired from the long day at the Vatican! What a place! We had our tour today and it was unreal. The tour guide Jason was tall and very very cute boys! I took pictures of him to share with all you sisters out there! Nathan! (right up your alley Heener). So much to look at, it was overwhelming. But… we did get ripped off again eating at one of the restaurants there, a real crummy lunch and them trying to just do the old Rome rip off! They are not very smart here, and rude at it too! I guess we are not too use to it back home. Oh well, live and let learn! Still a great day and have just come back from a grand meal recommened to us at the front desk. Cute little waiter,  spoke great English, and we had a ball and good food. Except for the Draft wine…Miss J had…watered down a bit, but nevertheless good food and good time had by all. My legs are so sore, but I did very well today. Thank goodness for Tylenol Arthritic pills! They have really helped a lot! Three and a half hours of walking thru the Vatican was a lot for me, but I did it right to the end. The church is two football fields long and it was so amazing. Rome is so dirty, noisy and yet looking at the buildings and sculptures on the buildings and churches is breath taking! We are off to shop tommorow are last day in Rome and going for the Roman night Walk, again with handsome Jason. Take care everyone and will fill you in on our next journey to Tuscany coming up on Saturday…this should proove to be an interesting moment in time driving with the gals! Yikes, I am scared!

Ciao Bella’s!!!xxxxooo

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Bella Roma!

Hello Everyone!

Whew! what a day! We started our hop on hop off  bus tour this morning just down the road from our hotel. It was a blast. We hopped off and crossed the Tiber river to explore the Trastevere area. Great shops and restaurants and people watching. Big soccer game here in Rome, and therefore crazy fans all over the place. Lots of singing from the boys, and Garou, I feel like I haven’t left home, with all the limey’s here, it sounds just like you talking to me! We had a lovely light lunch….too hot, cannot do pasta at noon! or steak! or fries! Then off we went back to hop on hop off bus and back home, but not before buying myself a little treat. Couldn’t resist! Then back to hotel after a long walk in that area and a quick rest before dinner. We found a great restaurant within walking distance of our hotel and ate the best pizza and pasta, but NO WINE. The town has gone dry because of the game.  Cause boys are stupid, and fight in the streets when loaded! So quite the day for us! Now soon to bed, and start are Vatican tour tomorrow, Thursday, apparently our tour guide is 6ft tall and blonde, well provide futher details tomorrow! Then dinner after that and more shopping! So that is it from Roma, keep tuned for more fun and frivolity from the three amigos!

Ciao Bella’s!!!!!!!xxxxxooooo

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made it!

hello everybody

I am typing on an Italian keyboard, very tricky if you don’t know where all the keys are! We finally made it after a grueling 81/2 hr plane ride with two screaming kiddies who cried the whole time! No wonder I never had kids! Jan and Martha upstairs sleeping their brains out. Me, couldn’t wait to get hooked up to the net. Garou, my little Asus isn’t connecting here at the hotel, but thank goodness they have free internet here! So I just might have to take pictures here and will add them later! It is very hot here like about 85 degrees and up! We passed the Colosium OMG! (I know spelling, I am just to tired) and it blew me away! So if you want to email me use my home email and I will be able to keep in touch with everyone. My email is homewood@ca.inter.net  So I am going now to wake the ladies up and get them on their feet so they can function for tommorow. I can’t believe we are here! We will explore today and have dinner out tonight.

Ciao bella’s and will keep you posted!!!!!

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Today is Thursday and I am getting more and more freaked out about packing and getting myself to Pearson airport. I had my pal DA come over and help me pack and unpack. He took out about four pieces of clothing and then I repacked the suitcase again. There is a little bit more room, but I still have to get in my books, lotions, etc.! OMG! I hate have to wear clothes and think about what matches with what. Had a great long weekend and everything is laid out on the dining room table. Along with a check list of more stuff to bring.  When will it end. Tonight I am going out with the Garou and MK to dinner and a movie. I hope that will take my mind off all that packing. I intend to pack on Saturday night and Sunday will be my last go at it! So this probably will be my last blog until I hit the boot! Farewell my friends, I will go venture fourth into the ruins of Rome and explore the Italian food and people of that region! Yikes, Italy here I come!!!!!

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Packing Woes!

On the weekend I started getting my clothes out for my trip to the Boot! It  is very scary when you are going for two weeks. I am finding it very hard to pack, I keep thinking I need this and that. But really I probably need half of what I have brought out. Last year going to Amsterdam I only used a quarter of what I brought! So I have to get myself into that headspace that I don’t need a lot. Everyone always says if you need anything you can always buy it. Well, after buying Euros here at home I don’t think I will be really buying anything over in Italy. I will just have to make do. I hope to have everything in running order this weekend, even though I have thirteen days to get ready. I am a worrier! But just looking forward to this incredible trip with me gals of 40yrs! We will be having a hoot of a time. I can’t wait to see the rolling hills of Tuscany, oye my back and feet, but I will forge on!

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It is the most glorious day today. I had a wonderful lunch with my GB pal and got a great price on Euros! Very quiet around the school, in fact to quiet, but only less than two weeks to go before we hit the continent. Italy look out! I had a great time watching the second last Hell’s Kitchen episode. Two of my favourite programs are up next week, the finales are coming up. The Amazing Race, my favourite and next Chef Ramsey. I can’t believe that I will be sitting on a plane and ending up in another fab country. So hard to believe.

So that is it for the moment and hopefully I can get some packing in this weekend! Pack unplack etc. to see what I need and don’t need.


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Seventeen more days to go

It was a great night getting together with the gals for dinner and planning our trip to Italy! We decided to go on a hop on hop off Bus and view the city first by an open double decker  air bus! Then on the following day decided to book a tour for that day and and the next. We know for sure we will be eating and shopping for sure! I told the girls watch out for the WC’s that don’t flush! Yikes, not looking forward to finding those ….they told me I was crazy but we will see. Anyway, I am seriously getting clothes and stuff ready to go into the luggage awaiting in my livingroom. I am getting really excited and my head is whirling about all the things I need and don’t need.

Look out Italy the Diva is coming! Maybe I will sing a bit there and get a free dinner, I know a good Italian song from my conservatory days! Chow bella!

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More Shwa Pic’s

Still trying to learn how to put my pic’s on, so bare with me!

image21What a Diva Babe!

What a Diva Babe!

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Well here I am at the Adam & Eve cafe, trying to play catch, after I had missed a couple of weekends. It has been very busy at work and my Sista from the Shwa said get caught up or else. So here I am on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, blogging away! I have to say she and the hubby do take good care of me! We waved goodbye to Buddy and off we went in the wilds of Ontario, Peterborough to be exact. We had lovely time shopping and a great lunch at Hot Mama’s I think that is what it was called? See picture! Anyway, we rode home with great music and the evening was wonderful. My Sista can really do a great dinner, and then off she and Buddy went to watch the Nascar races on TV. Me off to bed with a good book! A great time at the Shwa spa! Thanks Sista for taking care of me. Check out the Fish hookup for the Boat they fish in! OMG! It actually waves its tail!!!!

Sisters in the Shwa

Buddy's hookup

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