
Archive for June, 2009

Ahhh Summertime

I have been back a week and some now, my Italy trip a mere dream! We are just a mere blip on the European scene. No one ever talks about us! We are a tiny little country that means nothing to the big guns that rule that part of the world. I viewed my wonderful pictures of Italy last night and will be posting them soon. I still have great memories of the Hop on Hop Off bus! The best ride in Rome to see everything you need to see, great value for 18Euros. This weekend we are invited over to Ms. M’s to view her video of us travelling around Rome and Tuscany! What hoot that will be. I am really enjoying this great weather we are having and hope that Saturday will be a great day for our BBQ at Ms. M’s.!!!! Looking forward but not rushing, to go to Haliburton with my pal Ms. G. I have already planned for that and it looks like it is a go for me in August. As much as I loved travelling, it is good to be home in my own little bed, at a bed that fits my body. Boy, those beds in Tuscany were so small and narrow! I now have to catch up on my Soaps Opera’s, and other shows I hold dear to my heart. But I really don’t want to spend evenings running home to them, and will hopefully get in gear and do some strolling through the Village and Cabbagetown!

Farewell, ciao Italy, I loved you and all your beautiful scenery! Your beautiful Tuscan hills, and Rome, I will miss your huge white buildings and statues of Roman’s and artwork that I could only see in a book, but now have seen them with my own eyes! I now plan my next trip to wherever! The world is my oyster ha! and I am looking for the next pearl!

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Ciao Italy

Well, Let me say that was some kinda trip! After leaving the villa with a thousand pounds of luggage, shopping galore, we three gals of Toronto thought we would never make it up the hills back to Rome that day we left! With Miss J driving and me piled in the back of a small little car we headed off to the Leonardo Da Vinci airport, omg! We got are GPS going and headed off. That Autostrada has to be the fastest roadway in the world. The cars in the left hand lane zoomed by us as if they were driving in the Indie Five Hundred! Scary stuff for our poor Miss J trying to get us to Rome in one piece. Dorothy, that’s what we called our GPS device, took us right to the Rome, Hilton Hotel, were we spent the night. I must say that was very wise of us to do, to get ourselves ready for that long 9 1/2 hour flight!!! Scary stuff. We actually had a great flight and after watching two 2 1/2 hour movies I was quite relaxed and happy. Footnote: I actually picked up the wrong luggage at the airport and had to return that night and find mine. It was a very long night! I did find my luggage and it was circling around the luggage carousel calling my name out! I never have been so happy in my whole life to see my little piece of luggage, actually it was a big heavy piece and have all my stuff still in it! What a wild night.  Rome was awesome, the Vatican unreal and the buildings were so huge and white it was like being in a movie set of Ben Hur. Tuscany air was fresh and breathable and the landscape was soooo beautiful I can’t even describe it. We ate pasta everyday, and shopped in every little shop or big one…that was a real trip! Shoes, clothing, rings, boots, purses, wine and more wine and more pasta and more of everything, it was a more than my eyes could take in. Climbing the hills to get to the middle of town was not real either, I think I have built up my calves so I can do anything now! My pictures will soon follow and now that I have seen almost the other side of the world, there is so much more to see…. I am ready for my next adventure. Travelling with my two buddies was great, and I thank Miss M. for taking us for a trip of a lifetime! We laughed and laughed and oo’d and ah’d at all the beauty of one country! As they say in Italy Ciao Bella tuttuo tuttou Bella!!!!!!!!

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made it!

We made it. We left Rome and drove to Tuscany with are gps which called Dorothy! Unreal, she got us all the way to Borgo Di Vagli. The road was unreal 30 degree incline and frightening! This place is unreal and we have met some unreal people, all interesting and lots to talk about. Our place is wild and I will have pictures of all these places we will be going to. Cortona was wild and we blew are brains out buying lots of wonderful things.

This is a short blog and will check in hopefully sometime in the middle of the week, keep your ears and eyes posted. This has been quite the trip. I miss you all!

Ciao Bella’s

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