
Posts Tagged ‘birthday’

One Year Later!! Birthday time!

Well it is an end of another milestone! I am not even going to say the number, because years from now when I am reading this in the old folks home only I will know the number! Giving myself my own birthday party…about forty people coming, and lots of Karoke with Foofer! To all my young friends in their forty’s and 50’s you will all get there one day, that horrible number that will just keep climbing. I have to say I do not feel that number, and in my head I am  30! for sure! Just like heener, who’s age keeps going backwards on the west coast! To all my dear friends who have fed me over the months and years this party is for all of you! Happy birthday to me! since I am paying for everything!

I shall have a great birthday on Saturday! Carry on old girl!

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Birthday Celebrations

Today we celebrated my birthday….it was a privilege to be with my BFF.  Starting off the morning on the go train to the “shwa” and picked up by my BFF, then off to shopping and later on wine, movie, dinner and sparklers!!!  Or as I like to call them Sparkles!!!

For all of those that wanted to be with me, thank you so much, but it is important that I made it just to this birthday.  Next year will be the big one.  I will celebrate with all of you.

Cheers to all the Libras…enjoy the photos.




Ricky toasts herself

Ricky toasts herself



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It’s Getting Closer!

My trip to Italy is coming up quite quickly…I am so excited I cannot wait! I have been so busy at work I haven’t had a chance to even get close to Adam & Eve Cafe to upload my fab pictures from two weekends ago. I will try and do that this Sunday. I went on Youtube and found a wonderful travel log of where I will be staying in Tuscany. It is so beautiful I almost starting crying. This Wednesday is my Mother’s birthday and I will take her and my Father out for lunch. I was told by my Father to bring cash! So not to worry I will be getting it together in the next couple of weeks getting ready for my fab trip to Italy and loading my pictures of my great weekend in the Shwa!

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