
Posts Tagged ‘blogging’

Face Book, Twitter, Blogs OH MY!

Last night was a blast at the bar! So many people, so many songs, and I blurted out my Blog to all the audience. Low and behold some cute little guy brought it up on his IPhone OMG! Then Anne-Marie run over and grabbled it and read it out loud over the microphone OMG! So you can imagine the rest of the evening! I saw the adorable CP their with one of her bows! My Sis from the SHWA! and the Big A she was with. They were throughly blot-oed! The audience was singing at the top of their lungs which I always love! So all in all it was a good evening, though I still have to doggy-train them to TIP, something that Americans do autommatically! So for those of you who missed a fab time.. oh well! Loved it Loved it! Especially the Dosh!

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Educating Ricky

Well, what a wonderful time was had by all tonight. My fellow Blogger of GB came to my rescue. I now am getting the hang of this. I really do think that I will be ready for my trip to Rome and Tuscany. I would like to give a shout out to all my friends that will be reading this Blog!

This is going to be a real moment in my life. When Garou is pushing me around in the old wheelchair that he talks about all the time, I will be using my little Asus pc, Linux that is and reading about what happen many many years ago! The 21st century for Ricky has arrived.

I must get going, Garou is going to buy me dinner, yeah right, I don’t think so. His Hubby would not approve of this, it is not structured in the teaching manual for this evening!

Goodbye and see you all next time!

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Welcome to My (Virtual) World

Welcome to this, my first attempt at Blogging! Thank you in advance for your patience as I get used to this new (to me!) technology.

I am using this medium as a means by which to post articles and photos of my travels through life and the world.


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