
Posts Tagged ‘boomers’

Boomer Comment

I watched a show this morning that interviewed a writer named “Harry Dent“. He has written about our new Depression that is now in our mists. Very scary, he is the first person who has spelled it out so clearly, I now can understand what this whole moment in time about money and the economy is about! We, the Boomers, have stopped spending and now coming into our twlight years are saving our money to retire. We the Boomers, would have spent our money in our twenties and thirty’s and then saved to buy our houses or condos or whatever you were preparing to live in. I am going to get his book this weekend at Indigo, and hopefully that will put everything in perspective. It is very scary to think that the world will not stop reeling from this till about, let say,  five to ten years down the road. As the guy in the suit on TV says, save your money,  he is not kidding! Hold on to your hats boys and girls it is going to be a bumpy ride.

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Pigeon Woes

Now that I have a blog, I can rant, rave, cry, laugh and tell about my pet peeves that really bother me. Today is one of them! Every morning I have to run under the wires on my street to avoid being pooped on by the hundreds, and I mean hundreds of pigeons that land on those wires. A little old lady that lives next to me in the next condo building feeds them everyday. Now that I have a new camera I will be taking some pictures of her and hopefully you all will be able to view them when the Garou gets my camera hooked up to my little Asus PC! I know as an aging Boomer that I have devloped some funny little quirks or pet peeves that really bother me and that is one of them.  Also people that double dip is also another one of  my little bothers! Ah, the wonderful moment when you are turning into a old Fart. The scary thing is maybe in another 20 years I will be feeding the pigeons! Then you all can take pictures of me! Hopefully that day will never come. A shout out to all my Pigeon Haters! We will reunite in a park someday! Have a good day!

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