
Posts Tagged ‘burning flesh’

Chop it off

Today was not a good day! I had to have something removed from my face. Something just popped up and low and behold it was a thing, a messy thing on my chin. I trotted off this morning with my heart pounding and thought of all the horrible things that might happen. I got to the Dr.’s office, Dr. Kong, and she turned out to be a lovely Dr. with a lovely bedside manner. She told me it would be a needle right into that awful thing and then cut off and cauterized! Oh my! She told me to sit awhile and think about it, which I did, and slowly inhaled many times to calm myself down. In she came about ten minutes later, gloves, needle and told me to lay down. I layed down and held my tiny little hands together and started to squeeze as soon as I saw that needle coming at my chin. She talked away as she was performing the operation and acutally it only hurt for a few minutes, that is the rush of the freezing going into my thing! Then she cut it out and then cautrized it and I smelt burning flesh! Oh My! Well it is done and I will have to go back in three weeks to have it checked out! I am glad that is over with.  I guess it is better to have the things looked at and off with their heads!, said the Queen of Hearts!

A shout out to my FP and GR for thinking of me while I was getting this done! I will Survive!

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