
Posts Tagged ‘chicken wings’

Italian Green!

We were suppose to go to the Poor House for St. Patty’s day for chicken wings and beer, but we couldn’t get in. Packed to the rafters, so we decided to go for Italian. The gals and I tucked in to some great Italian food on St. Clair Avenue.  I totally went overboard and ate enough to kill an army! I swear, that is it for moi, no more heavy duty food, it is salads and tuna all the way now.

I was suppose to go swimming with RC but just couldn’t get it together, must have been the Alfredo Sauce that kept me down. But I did feel good this morning. Sometimes I just wake up feeling great, and other days crummy! Ah, the joys of getting older! Now if I could just lop off 50lbs of what I ate last night it would be great! So again I get on the diet horse and try and be a good girl!

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I forgot to wear green OMG! Weird! Should I or shouldn’t I go drinking at the Poor House tonight? Green beer and chicken wings! So little time, so many chicken wings! I have to do so many things around my place to get myself in gear for that fab trip to Italy! I am getting more and more anxious for that month to come.

A shout out to my niece and nephew who were on their way to Florida on Friday! Heard you had a flat tire in Jacksonville Fla! OMG! Must of made your mother happy! I hope you have a great time on your cruise!

Happy Green Day or whatever, may a little green man make you happy!

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