
Posts Tagged ‘dentist’

Subway Blues

What a worldwind week this has been! First it was my chin and cheek falling off my face and then a Dentist appointment the next day. I am writing about this because of my trip out to the High Park and Keele area by Subway! Oh my, I have forgotten what it is like to be on that horrid train at rush hour…I realize now why I love my job, which i walk to everyday down my street and into Allan’s Garden and then one block and I am at my office! I appreciate this so much, the 15 minute walk, really not even that time, it is probably less. I looked at all those sad faces and slumped bodies packed into that subway car, me being one of them and was thankful of small mercies of being able to walk to work. As I move on in Boomer years my tolerance beccomes less and less, people, take a bath, brush your teeth, cough into your sleeves. My Gosh! are we living in the dark ages or what! Okay, I feel better now I have gotten that off my big old chest! Otherwise, I am glad things will be slowing done for me after this week, which was very traumatic and scary, chin and all!

A shout out to my niece and nephew who are going to be on their way to the South, have a great time! Be careful and stick some vaseline up your nose, my wonderful Grandmother, Bubbie, use to tell us that all the time! Bless her !

Thattttt’s all folks!

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