
Posts Tagged ‘dinner’

Good Friday Ahhh!

How wonderful it was to have a long weekend. Started out at Tim Horton’s on Bay St. and then off to Cherry Beach to mingle with the birds and dogs and the brisk breeze that is still blowing that cold north wind. I was going to take pictures that day and I did take one which I will post. I am now able to post my pictures without any help! Very exciting! That was my Friday, and now it is Saturday and here I am sitting between two lovely men, and they tell me I must be in Heaven! Tonight is dinner with Richard another one of my favourite guys. Right now I am at the Adam and Eve Chocolatier having a lovely day.

Note: I have used up my credits now as per FP, oh well too bad so sad, he and the Garou will miss me for May! FP, I guess you will just have to go play the Bingo all alone!

Geeky Good Saturday

Geeky Good Saturday

Good Friday Picture

Good Friday Picture

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