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Passover Blues

It has been two days of eating and being with family. I think I have had enough. Sometimes you just have to push yourself to spend the few hours with family you don’t even talk to except once a year. I think my days of this are getting thinner and thinner. I can only take it for so long. The kids are at that age where they just don’t have very much to say to you. They would rather be upstairs in the confines of their room and connecting with their eight hundred friends on Facebook! My parents are in their own world and my sibling and I ignore each other. Ah the family dynamics. I would rather be in my cozy little condo enjoy myself with my books and hd t.v.! I know I have a limited time to spend with my Mom and Dad and I have to see them as much as I can. Time marches on, and I know these times with them are precious. My Dad is vibrant, my Mom somewhere out there maybe on another planet. It is the long weekend of Easter and Passover and I am ready to lay down and just sleep and walk and read and just be with me.

Happy easter and Passover to everyone and to everyone a goodnight.!

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