
Posts Tagged ‘Garou’

Saturday Working!

Today is the seventh day I have worked in a row! Same thing last week too! But I am building up my hours to use for my fab trip to Italy!!! Shout out to Mary for commenting on my Pigeon story! Just in case my nephew KD is reading this I hope your gig went well at the Reverb Club. I wish you would have called me to remind me but alas, you just have to many things on your mind to remember your Aunt! That’s okay, I can wait till your brain ages and you become a semi adult and hopefully you won’t forge to call me next time you are playing. As for the rest of your family, monkey see monkey do…so I will patiently wait to hear from any of you when you wake up and realize the loss you have incurred by not staying in touch.

Looking forward to a having fun on Doug’s birthday party tonight at Cafe California, with me and the gals! Also looking forward to a rewarding afternoon on Sunday going to see ” The Colour Purple” Oprah’s insert to Broadway! With money you can do anything! Shout out to FP on his birthday on Monday! Happy birthday FP, and many you have many more with the Garou! I hope to buy you a drink the next time I see you or some medicine for your disease! Whatever!

Onward and upward the days and months are getting closer to my trip. I can’t wait to get off the plane and see Rome at my feet! I believe it will be quite the trip with my oldest of girlfriends! Eat your heart out sister, (the real one). I promise to bring back my other sister (shawa sis) a beautiful souviener this time!

Too all have a great day!

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Educating Ricky

Well, what a wonderful time was had by all tonight. My fellow Blogger of GB came to my rescue. I now am getting the hang of this. I really do think that I will be ready for my trip to Rome and Tuscany. I would like to give a shout out to all my friends that will be reading this Blog!

This is going to be a real moment in my life. When Garou is pushing me around in the old wheelchair that he talks about all the time, I will be using my little Asus pc, Linux that is and reading about what happen many many years ago! The 21st century for Ricky has arrived.

I must get going, Garou is going to buy me dinner, yeah right, I don’t think so. His Hubby would not approve of this, it is not structured in the teaching manual for this evening!

Goodbye and see you all next time!

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