
Posts Tagged ‘Haliburton’

Frosh Fall! I see Students!

My first September here at Ryerson! I can’t believe the amount of noise that these 1st year students have made since they have arrived here on Monday of this month. In some ways it is exciting, but when you are trying to walk the quad it is very hard to get around the little darlings as they walk by you in painted purple faces, every t-shirt colour under the sun and funny hats to complete their outfits! I was never part of that life. I was working and singing my way through Toronto and Ontario and the USA. If they only knew that a “do you know who I use to be” is sitting at their administration office they would all fall to their knees! Well bend a little anyway! On another note, I went to the cottage in Haliburton to visit the Heenman and took along Ms. A with me. I wanted her to see where I have spent my one week in August for the past twenty-five years! She loved it and for me it was closure with Haliburton and the healing lake that I so very much love swimming in. It was rainy and cold and and we got glimpses of blue sky once in a while. We still managed to bbq and enjoy a small sunset. My sista Ms. A drove me through great little roads to get back to her home. We even found a road with houses that had stone walls around their property and it felt like we were in an English farm area! Next time I am up there I will take my camera and capture that beautiful wall of stone. The next couple of weeks probably will be quite hectic around the school, but I am looking forward to the calm come October. I love the Fall and I am already for it with a new coat from Joe Fresh! I will be adding a few pictures soon, so I can look back and remember what the lake and the cottage felt like!

Ahh Canada, my true north strong and free!

This is a view from Sunset Hill at Heenacres

This is a view from Sunset Hill at Heenacres

From Sunset Hill at Heenacres

From Sunset Hill at Heenacres

My favourite Hammock at Heenacres

My favourite Hammock at Heenacres

Heenman's Cottage at Haliburton

Heenman's Cottage at Haliburton

My favourite room at Heenacres

My favourite room at Heenacres

My Favourite spot to read

My Favourite spot to read

Another view at Heenacres

Another view at Heenacres

Ahh, the best Sunset at Heenacres

Ahh, the best Sunset at Heenacres

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It has been a long time since I have written anything in my little blog here! Well, lots of things have happened! I went to see “The Zombies” at the Mod Club last week and it was incrediable. To be standing so close to my favourite group! They sang all the songs I love. Thanks to Anne Marie and her birthday party at a great place on College street.

I really can’t say when I will be singing again because of the high drama being played out at Statlers Bar. I can’t seem to get a commitment from the owner and have decided to just let it ride for a while. It is too bad because a lot of people have been asking me when I will be singing again and I just can’t give them an anwer! Oh well, bad for him good for me! I have been singing every week with my Pal Mr. B. and getting a new song list together, lots of old songs out there that I think will be a hoot to do. As they say the beat goes on!

I am counting the days till I go to Heenacres and have already packed some stuff to take up with me! I hope Lake Haliburton warms up and we get some nice weather. was told by the gatekeeper there that bears have been spotted! I will be sitting down at the water pretty well the whole day, in fact I have 8 books to get through which I am really looking forward to. So this should be a great time to chill before the students get back to school and I am stuck at the desk with all their problems! I look forward to helping the little kiddies out.

Tonight off to an Ethiopian restaurant tonight with the GB gang. It is at Bloor and Ossington and I already have picked from the pictures on the website of I want to eat. Waiting for Garou the little Flaxen Brit to arrive here at the CT. This is all I have to report and look forward to a nice quiet weekend with my pal Al from the Shwa.

Where is Summer!!

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