
Posts Tagged ‘Italy’

Ahhh Summertime

I have been back a week and some now, my Italy trip a mere dream! We are just a mere blip on the European scene. No one ever talks about us! We are a tiny little country that means nothing to the big guns that rule that part of the world. I viewed my wonderful pictures of Italy last night and will be posting them soon. I still have great memories of the Hop on Hop Off bus! The best ride in Rome to see everything you need to see, great value for 18Euros. This weekend we are invited over to Ms. M’s to view her video of us travelling around Rome and Tuscany! What hoot that will be. I am really enjoying this great weather we are having and hope that Saturday will be a great day for our BBQ at Ms. M’s.!!!! Looking forward but not rushing, to go to Haliburton with my pal Ms. G. I have already planned for that and it looks like it is a go for me in August. As much as I loved travelling, it is good to be home in my own little bed, at a bed that fits my body. Boy, those beds in Tuscany were so small and narrow! I now have to catch up on my Soaps Opera’s, and other shows I hold dear to my heart. But I really don’t want to spend evenings running home to them, and will hopefully get in gear and do some strolling through the Village and Cabbagetown!

Farewell, ciao Italy, I loved you and all your beautiful scenery! Your beautiful Tuscan hills, and Rome, I will miss your huge white buildings and statues of Roman’s and artwork that I could only see in a book, but now have seen them with my own eyes! I now plan my next trip to wherever! The world is my oyster ha! and I am looking for the next pearl!

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Packing Woes!

On the weekend I started getting my clothes out for my trip to the Boot! It  is very scary when you are going for two weeks. I am finding it very hard to pack, I keep thinking I need this and that. But really I probably need half of what I have brought out. Last year going to Amsterdam I only used a quarter of what I brought! So I have to get myself into that headspace that I don’t need a lot. Everyone always says if you need anything you can always buy it. Well, after buying Euros here at home I don’t think I will be really buying anything over in Italy. I will just have to make do. I hope to have everything in running order this weekend, even though I have thirteen days to get ready. I am a worrier! But just looking forward to this incredible trip with me gals of 40yrs! We will be having a hoot of a time. I can’t wait to see the rolling hills of Tuscany, oye my back and feet, but I will forge on!

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Seventeen more days to go

It was a great night getting together with the gals for dinner and planning our trip to Italy! We decided to go on a hop on hop off Bus and view the city first by an open double decker  air bus! Then on the following day decided to book a tour for that day and and the next. We know for sure we will be eating and shopping for sure! I told the girls watch out for the WC’s that don’t flush! Yikes, not looking forward to finding those ….they told me I was crazy but we will see. Anyway, I am seriously getting clothes and stuff ready to go into the luggage awaiting in my livingroom. I am getting really excited and my head is whirling about all the things I need and don’t need.

Look out Italy the Diva is coming! Maybe I will sing a bit there and get a free dinner, I know a good Italian song from my conservatory days! Chow bella!

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It’s Getting Closer!

My trip to Italy is coming up quite quickly…I am so excited I cannot wait! I have been so busy at work I haven’t had a chance to even get close to Adam & Eve Cafe to upload my fab pictures from two weekends ago. I will try and do that this Sunday. I went on Youtube and found a wonderful travel log of where I will be staying in Tuscany. It is so beautiful I almost starting crying. This Wednesday is my Mother’s birthday and I will take her and my Father out for lunch. I was told by my Father to bring cash! So not to worry I will be getting it together in the next couple of weeks getting ready for my fab trip to Italy and loading my pictures of my great weekend in the Shwa!

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Fly by Days

OMG! the days are going so quickly, I think  soon I will be able to click my heels and be at the airport going to ITALY! YAY! Tonight I will get my luggae out..it means I am getting ready to pack, even though I still have the end of this month and the till the end of May to get ready. It just gets me excited to see my luggage out! I had an acceptable time with the Garou and the FP last night at the Hair of the Dog and laughed and tee heed a lot! FP admitted I have a good ear for haccents! Of course I do FP! I use to do commercials for the Radio and I had to do voice overs for the ads. I was really good at it. That is what I use to do for a living too, just in case you were wondering FP. I look forward to this weekend to spend it with my best Pal AT in the Shwa! We are going on the Thelma & Louise ride through the country. Music blaring the roof top open and look out Ontario here we come! The weather is starting to turn, and the sun has made it’s way back to city, finally. I look foward to the warm sun on my face, slathered with SPF coverage and a hat. I have to be very careful this summer, me face has to be protected! So if anybody is looking for me this weekend look for the gal with the big sunglasses and hat, of course, singing at the top of her lungs welcoming the warm weather!

Shouts out to our poor Garou who is at home today with a sore tummy!!!

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What a wonderful weekend I had! Actually it started on Friday night. No plans, just everything done off the cuff! Saturday morning, started off down Yonge Street and went to shop at “Walking on a Cloud” shoe store. I tried on every brand from Echo, Mephisto, and Clarks and it goes on and on…I ended up with a pair of Clarks for my vacation to ITALY!!!!! which is only 8wks away! (I use a lot of exclamation marks, cause that is just how I am!) From there headed over to the St. Lawrence Market and shopped with the throngs, managed to buy some food and headed up Church Street. I stopped at a new Salon for pedicures and nails. Brand new called “Pinkys Salon”. The ladies were lovely there and Anna, who did my feet was just wonderful. I shall be returnig very soon. She even massaged my shoulders while my little toes were drying! Then a quick stop at the Metro for some bits and pieces for my two pals that I am travelling with, that were going to be coming over to talk about ITALY!!!!!

Saturday night I lite my candles and it was the best evening just relaxing and doing the Earth Hour thing! I listened to the concert from Nathan Philip Square and my candles glowed in the dark and I just zoned out for a hour. Very Very pleasant. Also had a loverly early dinner with M and L, chinese food at Spadina Gardens. Watch out for L. on the streets with her new scooter! Yes I am jealous! I will be inserting pictures of this great weekend very shortly. One of the best weekends I have had in a long time!

Martha & Jan Italy gals

Martha & Jan Italy gals

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Saturday Working!

Today is the seventh day I have worked in a row! Same thing last week too! But I am building up my hours to use for my fab trip to Italy!!! Shout out to Mary for commenting on my Pigeon story! Just in case my nephew KD is reading this I hope your gig went well at the Reverb Club. I wish you would have called me to remind me but alas, you just have to many things on your mind to remember your Aunt! That’s okay, I can wait till your brain ages and you become a semi adult and hopefully you won’t forge to call me next time you are playing. As for the rest of your family, monkey see monkey do…so I will patiently wait to hear from any of you when you wake up and realize the loss you have incurred by not staying in touch.

Looking forward to a having fun on Doug’s birthday party tonight at Cafe California, with me and the gals! Also looking forward to a rewarding afternoon on Sunday going to see ” The Colour Purple” Oprah’s insert to Broadway! With money you can do anything! Shout out to FP on his birthday on Monday! Happy birthday FP, and many you have many more with the Garou! I hope to buy you a drink the next time I see you or some medicine for your disease! Whatever!

Onward and upward the days and months are getting closer to my trip. I can’t wait to get off the plane and see Rome at my feet! I believe it will be quite the trip with my oldest of girlfriends! Eat your heart out sister, (the real one). I promise to bring back my other sister (shawa sis) a beautiful souviener this time!

Too all have a great day!

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