
Posts Tagged ‘ma and pa’

Went to visit Mom & Dad on Sunday. Lunch at the Pickle Barrel. Funny how I noticed that both of their attention span has become very limited. I talked to them about my trip to Italy and they could only listen for a short time about me telling them about what and where I was going in Italy. As we say “we mock the things we are to be”. Oh well I should consider my self very lucky that they are in great shape for 84 year olds! They are holding out pretty well, through aches and pains etc at that age. I took a picture of my Ma in at their condo. One hour up their and one hour back home. Still worth the trip so my dad doesn’t have to drive! Very Scarey! Had a great day after that, taxes, music and reading in my very little cute cozy condo.

Picture of the wall hanging I sent my Parents when I was living in Provincetown, Mass. It was for their Anniversary. Nice huh!

Ma at the Condo

Ma at the Condo

Anniversary Present

Anniversary Present

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