
Posts Tagged ‘obituaries’

I See Dead People!

OMG! I finally have something in common with the FP! We both read the OBITS! Who knew! Okay, it might sound a bit morbid, but I realized in my 20’s, 30’s and 40’s I would never have done that. Now in my Boomer years, well it is just automatic. I can’t explain it, but I read the Obits with relish, not in a mean way, I am just curious to see who has left this earth. Being a Boomer, you realize you are half way through your life and reading the Obits makes you want to get out there and just touch, see, and smell everything before you kick, if you know what I mean! I have started sort of to prepare my “Bucket List”.  There are about ten things on my list that I need to do, which I will discuss at another time. But the excitment of knowing that FP and I now can talk about who kicked the bucket is very exciting.

An exceptable time was had by all last night at the Churchmouse Firkin last night. Lovely to sit and chat with my two favourite guys! The great Garou and I have now moved downtown to a favourite spot to Blog our way into oblivion! I love it!

Shout out to the FP, your picture is just darling! You truly are the LP! even if it has been translated into Hinglish once!

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