
Posts Tagged ‘packing’

Today is Thursday and I am getting more and more freaked out about packing and getting myself to Pearson airport. I had my pal DA come over and help me pack and unpack. He took out about four pieces of clothing and then I repacked the suitcase again. There is a little bit more room, but I still have to get in my books, lotions, etc.! OMG! I hate have to wear clothes and think about what matches with what. Had a great long weekend and everything is laid out on the dining room table. Along with a check list of more stuff to bring.  When will it end. Tonight I am going out with the Garou and MK to dinner and a movie. I hope that will take my mind off all that packing. I intend to pack on Saturday night and Sunday will be my last go at it! So this probably will be my last blog until I hit the boot! Farewell my friends, I will go venture fourth into the ruins of Rome and explore the Italian food and people of that region! Yikes, Italy here I come!!!!!

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Packing Woes!

On the weekend I started getting my clothes out for my trip to the Boot! It  is very scary when you are going for two weeks. I am finding it very hard to pack, I keep thinking I need this and that. But really I probably need half of what I have brought out. Last year going to Amsterdam I only used a quarter of what I brought! So I have to get myself into that headspace that I don’t need a lot. Everyone always says if you need anything you can always buy it. Well, after buying Euros here at home I don’t think I will be really buying anything over in Italy. I will just have to make do. I hope to have everything in running order this weekend, even though I have thirteen days to get ready. I am a worrier! But just looking forward to this incredible trip with me gals of 40yrs! We will be having a hoot of a time. I can’t wait to see the rolling hills of Tuscany, oye my back and feet, but I will forge on!

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