
Posts Tagged ‘statlers’

It has been a long time since I have written anything in my little blog here! Well, lots of things have happened! I went to see “The Zombies” at the Mod Club last week and it was incrediable. To be standing so close to my favourite group! They sang all the songs I love. Thanks to Anne Marie and her birthday party at a great place on College street.

I really can’t say when I will be singing again because of the high drama being played out at Statlers Bar. I can’t seem to get a commitment from the owner and have decided to just let it ride for a while. It is too bad because a lot of people have been asking me when I will be singing again and I just can’t give them an anwer! Oh well, bad for him good for me! I have been singing every week with my Pal Mr. B. and getting a new song list together, lots of old songs out there that I think will be a hoot to do. As they say the beat goes on!

I am counting the days till I go to Heenacres and have already packed some stuff to take up with me! I hope Lake Haliburton warms up and we get some nice weather. was told by the gatekeeper there that bears have been spotted! I will be sitting down at the water pretty well the whole day, in fact I have 8 books to get through which I am really looking forward to. So this should be a great time to chill before the students get back to school and I am stuck at the desk with all their problems! I look forward to helping the little kiddies out.

Tonight off to an Ethiopian restaurant tonight with the GB gang. It is at Bloor and Ossington and I already have picked from the pictures on the website of I want to eat. Waiting for Garou the little Flaxen Brit to arrive here at the CT. This is all I have to report and look forward to a nice quiet weekend with my pal Al from the Shwa.

Where is Summer!!

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Unforgettable Poster

I think this is the best poster ever made of me performing at Statlers Bar. A shout out to Joseph who put it together.

Read and weep Divas of the world, and please FP be kind dear if you are going to coment on it! I really, really like it!

I hate Valentine"s

I hate Valentine"s

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