
Posts Tagged ‘Thelma & Louise’

Fly by Days

OMG! the days are going so quickly, I thinkĀ  soon I will be able to click my heels and be at the airport going to ITALY! YAY! Tonight I will get my luggae out..it means I am getting ready to pack, even though I still have the end of this month and the till the end of May to get ready. It just gets me excited to see my luggage out! I had an acceptable time with the Garou and the FP last night at the Hair of the Dog and laughed and tee heed a lot! FP admitted I have a good ear for haccents! Of course I do FP! I use to do commercials for the Radio and I had to do voice overs for the ads. I was really good at it. That is what I use to do for a living too, just in case you were wondering FP. I look forward to this weekend to spend it with my best Pal AT in the Shwa! We are going on the Thelma & Louise ride through the country. Music blaring the roof top open and look out Ontario here we come! The weather is starting to turn, and the sun has made it’s way back to city, finally. I look foward to the warm sun on my face, slathered with SPF coverage and a hat. I have to be very careful this summer, me face has to be protected! So if anybody is looking for me this weekend look for the gal with the big sunglasses and hat, of course, singing at the top of her lungs welcoming the warm weather!

Shouts out to our poor Garou who is at home today with a sore tummy!!!

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