
Posts Tagged ‘trip’

Pigeon Woes

PigeonsCould this really be happening, me standing on the corner at seven a.m. and telling my pet peeve stop feeding those goddam birds! Oh please, let it stop! She, my pet peeve, said stop eating and then she will stop feeding the birds. Walk away Ricky, walk away! What is it that everytime I see her, throwing bread crumbs all over my street, that I actually can feel my blood pressure rise, really, I mean I can feel my whole body turn into this different kind of human being. Should I let her be, let myself walk through mounds of bird excrement and birds flying at me, or should I turn into the person that becomes the Hulk and turn green and pound out my message! Whew! got that off my chest. I actually looked up the by-laws for Pigeons and there isn’t a darn thing I can do. Except! get a can of WD40 and spray it where she feeds them by my driveway and apparently the birds hate the smell of the oil! I can try, but I probably will be put away for spraying substance on the sidewalk and then who will have the last laugh! Oh my, what a problem!

Looking forward to a great weekend, I am sure ready for it. Very busy at school here, and many things to manage. But I am starting a countdown of my trip less than 8wks to go! Also looking forward for my best pal from the west coast to arrive and bring sundshine and warmth with him.

Also a shouts out to my FP, always a pleasure talking to you on the phone. My haccent is good aye!

May the Pigeon Gods be with me!!!!! Look up, Look way up!!!!!!!!

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