
Posts Tagged ‘wc’

Seventeen more days to go

It was a great night getting together with the gals for dinner and planning our trip to Italy! We decided to go on a hop on hop off Bus and view the city first by an open double decker  air bus! Then on the following day decided to book a tour for that day and and the next. We know for sure we will be eating and shopping for sure! I told the girls watch out for the WC’s that don’t flush! Yikes, not looking forward to finding those ….they told me I was crazy but we will see. Anyway, I am seriously getting clothes and stuff ready to go into the luggage awaiting in my livingroom. I am getting really excited and my head is whirling about all the things I need and don’t need.

Look out Italy the Diva is coming! Maybe I will sing a bit there and get a free dinner, I know a good Italian song from my conservatory days! Chow bella!

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