
Posts Tagged ‘weekend’

Spring Party

Sunday was a great day for me! Loved it Loved it! Brunch with the Linda’s, Crossiant try with the Garou, and a Spring Party at the Rochelle’s house. Here I am now writing about it and loving the fact that I can do this. Maybe when I am sitting in the old rocking chair, many moons from now, I will look back and read all bout my fab life that I have experinced. The food on Sunday at the party was spectacular, appetizers, shrimp, lox, chicken, samon, lobster pasta and lasagna! What a feast. Kudos for the Rochelle and Kim who put it all together.

Another long week  ahead of me and I will blog it all I can! Thanks again to my Brit pal Garou who started this crazy blog for moi! Also a shout out to the Prince who is the King of Structure and allowed me the privlige to see the great Garou! I hope your illness gets better.

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